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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The mayor of Spokane, WA was recalled in a special election

The mayor of Spokane, WA is Jim West. Or rather now, he is soon to be the ex-mayor. Officially, he has until the election results are certified on the 16th. He was accused and indicted of using government equipment for personal gain. I'm not sure of the exact charge. Anyway, as a result of the accusation, a citizen's initiative was proposed to recall the mayor and eventually resulted in this special recall election put before the voters. He lost and has to vacate the office of mayor. Apparently, he wrote a letter to an underage male offering an internship. The evidence seems to indicate that the mayor, being gay, was attempting a liason with this underage individual and the letter was an incentive. This is all alleged mind you, not proven. OK, so I don't like this guy, but my dislike is based on what I've heard, not what I know. I hate myself for thinking what I do about this man with no proof of guilt. I think justice has been perverted here, at least for the time being until this all goes to court. This man has been convicted in the court of public opinion, not a court of law. This was a perverted use of the voter initiave process we have in this state of Washington. I am wholly behind the citizen initiave process to right a wrong done by the legislature of the state. I fully believe innocent until proven guilty. In this case, this man may be innocent as nothing has been proved in court, so maybe everything was as he says. He deserves the benefit of the doubt until positive proof is presented. 65% voted for the recall. The man has admitted to being gay and personal use of the computer to access gay chat rooms but not to do anything illegal and steadfastly denies anything else. I understand violating a company policy of non-personal use of a company computer. I did it myself when I was a contractor for the government doing computer programming a few years ago. I admit, I used time on the clock for personal reasons. I think a lot of employees do this, but the vast majority do not abuse this opportunity. I do not think I abused my employer by reading the New York Times Op-Ed page on company time, well, not much anyway. It was wrong for me to read the Times while I was at work, against company poloicy, but most assuredly not illegal activity.

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