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Monday, August 01, 2005

Women and shoes

This is a topic close to my sensibilities as a straight man in the society of today. I ran into a lady friend, a friend who is a lady, not a girlfriend, though if she would let me, I would like it to be more than just friends. She was shopping for shoes, something I've known her to do quite often. Not like Carrie on Sex and the City with Manolo Blahnik's, but for cheaper versions of the same type, high heels. She has great legs and high heels show off her excellent legs with great effect. She wears heels most all the time, even around the house. I know, I've seen her do it. So she asked if I would like to go with her and, I decided to tag along. I was curious. Besides, it was an opportunity to spend time in her company, something I value highly. I've been shopping with women before and I've learned how women do it, and go along more to watch her as she shops than anything else. Women seem to have a thing for shoes, and I think it is a very GOOD thing. I like women in a dress, with high heels. I like it! My eyes feel this, seeing a vision of lovliness. A woman dressed up makes my eyes feel, ... warm, for lack of a better term. High heels change the way a woman presents herself. Her posture changes, for the better I think. It does not matter what clothes she is wearing, baggy pants, sweatsuit, whatever, high heels changes the way a woman walks. Ladies I know, in general, the majority anyway, say they feel more confident, more self-assured, more in control of their life with a couple inches of high heeled shoes. I know, there are some complaints, a somewhat unnatural stance, sometimes some back pain, possible foot problems, and more which might be directly related to walking in high heels, but more often then not, women say high heels are worth it. From a male point of view, I agree, you bet, I like the change in how a woman walks, talks and presents herself when she is up high on a couple inches of high heels. Not TOO high though, 3 inches is good or maybe 4 inches (if she has a larger shoe size and is able to handle the height) is just right for the look I like to see. Higher than 4 inches, and the lady is likely to topple and that is just NOT a good thing, so 3 inches it is. The larger the shoe size the higher the heel, in proportion to shoe size to maintain the appropriate angle. Oh, and yes, nylon stockings deserve mention. High heels without stockings is something I consider to be wrong but acceptable. Bare legs are fine, but only if smooth. OK, so it IS my personal preference. If you are a woman and bless us men wth the vision of seeing you in high heels, then I leave the stockings issue up to you. I'm just letting you (women) know my preference, and I think I speak for a lot of men (maybe a majority) in voicing my opinion that women wearing stockings and heels is really, really attractive. My eyes feel warm all over when I see this vision of femininity. Politically incorrect? Too bad, live with it. All I know, is this: that when I travel across Puget Sound on the morning ferry with the majority of the morning working commuters, I see a LOT of women who make my eyes feel warm. And I nly have one thing to say: Thanks, Ladies!

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