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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Poker Party

In the newspaper from last Sunday, there was an article on the popularity of poker parties. I'm not much of a gambler. I play a lottery ticket once in a while when the pot gets big, but otherwise I do not go to a casino or anything like that. I just don't see the point when the odds are against me. I've got better things to do with my limited resources than to gamble, like buy groceries, pay my utility bill so I have power, pay my phone bill so I have a telephone to use and a connection to the internet. What struck me about the newspaper story was the reference to teenagers running up huge debts. A companion article talked about gambling parties and teenagers running up debts and enforcers beating up on the losers. Several people have been arrested on assaualt charges recently. I keep on seeing these ads on TV advertising web sites devoted to poker. And, I've seen parts of programs with celebrity poker and other programs with tournaments. Can someone explain this explosion in the popularity of poker? Please?

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