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Saturday, July 16, 2005

The death penalty

I am against it, the death penalty. I can think of an exception, in time of war for certain war crimes, but otherwise, for purely civil matters of law, I am against the death penalty. Bleeding heart liberal? No, conservative for the most part. I just can NOT accept a solution to a legal problem which is irrevocable. Errors have been made. Over 100 people convicted of a capital crime and sentenced to death have had the conviction reversed because it came out and was proved they did NOT do the crime for which they were convicted. The system is not without error, human mistakes, circumstances. With ANY possibility of a doubt, I just can not see taking an action to kill someone. This act can not be taken back. There is no "do over" with the death penalty. How many have been put to death which were wrongly convicted, as over 180 people wrongly convicted on death row have since exonerated were? Life is a one way street through time. We are born, we live, and then we die. Some believe in a God and an afterlife. And to this I say, if there IS an afterlife, just exactly where were we before we were born into this life? A "beforelife" perhaps? If there is a beforelife, then how did we get THERE? No matter. My problem with the death penalty is that it is a final solution which can never be taken back and the present system of justice has errors, documented errors, and that means ALL death penalty cases contain some measure of doubt, and because there is reason to doubt, I find putting a person to death, no matter how "humanely" done, to be WRONG. Period. But you know what? I'd do one thing for serial murderers and other who do crimes which presently warrant the death penalty under the current law, I'd give these people a way to kill themselves. A sword to fall on. A gun with a single bullet (in a glass box visable from outside the cell, so if the bullet is gone, no one enters again for any reason and the prisoner knows starvation will result.), a rope and a chair and a hook in the ceiling, a vial of hemlock (It was good enough for Socrates, wasn't it?). Live the rest of your life in a cell and have the ability to still use the justice system for an appeal or whatever or take your own life, your choice. How could this be considered cruel and unusual punishment? I've never agreed with a death penalty. I guess that belief might warrant being named as a bleeding heart liberal. So be it.

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