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Current Terror Level
In case you did not know this from before, I am making sure now that you are aware that this blog is completely mine and mine alone. In other words, I say what I want, to whoever I want, however I want, whenever I want. I am entitled to my own opinions as you are to yours. If you don't like what you read, then please go away and never bother to come back. You were not forced or coerced into coming here and most definitely, you are not obligated to stay. So leave, if you think you should. No if's, no and's, no but's, no exceptions.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Homeland Insecurity
No one knows what is happening around here. I was listening to the morning talking heads on the hour long news programs like Meet The Press (I don't get Face The Nation here anymore, sigh.) and CNN and they talked about homeland security, yet again. I've got a problem with Dubya on this whole "intelligence" thing on which he based his opinions and actions. It has been verified that he made decisions based on faulty information and blatantly wrong information yet Dubya persists in denying making any mistakes in his decisions. Matter of fact, I don't remember Dubya even acknowledging he received any incorrect information even though it has been shown he must have. People have died because of his poor planning and decision making. I did not vote for Dubya. It is not my fault he is still in office. Is the homeland more or less or the same as far as security is concerned? What I want to know is this, since Dubya declared his war on terrorism, why have we done nothing apparently regarding the place the nine-eleven group really came from? Over half of the 19 were listed as Saudi citizens, but I don't recall hearing much about anything involving Saudi Arabia and these terrorists and any connections there are or might have been! Why not? Where's the beef? The news program stated that most people feel more secure. More secure than what? I don't hear anyone saying what they are more secure than, anywhere. The talking heads simply gloss over what they are making a comparison to. Do I feel "more secure?" Hell no, I don't! If anything, I am now even more aware of how vulnerable we all are! If anything, I feel even MORE threatened! I guess I fall into the less secure, the more insecure category. This is what I do instead of going to church on a Sunday morning, watch the talking heads news programs on TV and wonder about how stupid these heads take us all to be,
Posted by: Rowlfe - at: 4/10/2005 11:30:00 AM